By salary packaging the Maxxia way, you can rest assured you’re maximising your employee benefits.
Imagine you earn $60,000 per year. By salary packaging up to $15,900 in everyday living expenses you could be up to $5,355 better off each year.
By salary packaging the Maxxia way, you can rest assured you’re maximising your employee benefits.
Depending on the industry and sector you work in, when you salary package with Maxxia, you could be eligible to pay for a range of expenses - such as vehicle running costs, groceries, utility bills and some work-related costs - with your pre-tax salary. This reduces your taxable income and decreases the amount of tax you pay.
What this means, of course, is you could end up with more money ('take home pay') in your pocket.
Best of all, how you choose to spend your tax savings is up to you. You could use it to pay for everyday expenses, purchase that special item you've been saving up for, go on a trip - or put it away for a rainy day.If you work in a health or charitable organisation, you could also salary package items such as your mortgage or rent payments.
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Discover how much you could save by salary packaging a few everyday expenses
Imagine you earn $60,000 per year. By salary packaging up to $15,900 in everyday living expenses you could be up to $5,355 better off each year.